Six Figure Income Job

"I have tried a major network marketing opportunity on two different occasions. The best I did was to sponsor one couple. My best friend and his wife. Since it didn't work for me, I knew that one day I would try something else, and along came SFI. I was told that if I followed the plan, within two years of dedication and learning, I would be on my way to freedom. Well, the first month I didn't do anything. Then I started getting involved. There hasn't been a day since then that I havn't learned something new--whether it be something on SFI's Website, a new way to market my business, or a new tool to play with. Also, in the the three months since I started actually working at putting myself on the map, I have sponsored 79 new affiliates and moved myself up a level to Team Leader. If I can do that in just three months, there is no telling what I will be able to expect in two years. Bottom line: If you follow the plan, you to can make your dreams a reality."

Internet Income

This book is loaded with how-to's and strategies that you can put to work immediately. Such strategies as:

* How to analyze Internet traffic at your own site(s),
* The ten most common Internet marketing methods used by successful SFI Affiliates,
* How to submit your Website(s) to the Yahoo Search Engine,
* Paying for search engine attention and ranking,
* Free advertising strategies and much much more.

Chapter topics in Internet Income include:

* The Potential Of Internet Income
* What Not To Do - Spam
* Introduction To Internet Traffic
* Ten Common Online Marketing Methods
* History Of Affiliate Programs
* Building Your Team Of Affiliates
* Doorway Pages
* Introduction To Search Engines
* Introduction To Metatags
* Submitting Your Website With The Yahoo! Search Engine
* The Google Search Engine
* The Open Directory Project (DMOZ)
* Paying For Search Engine Attention And Ranking-An Overview
* Putting The Principles To Work For You

Conversations With Millionaires

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Jim Rohn - Worldwide Success Mentor to Millions of People, Success Principles That Never Fail

Mark Victor Hansen - Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Series, Secrets to Unlimited Riches

Wally "Famous" Amos - Chocolate Chip Cookie King, Turning Your Passion Into Profit

Jack Canfield - Self-Esteem Expert and Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Develop Unlimited Self-Esteem and the Riches That Come With It

Robert Allen - Best-Selling Author of Many Amazing Books on Making Money, Secrets for Creating Multiple Streams of Income

Sharon Lechter - Co-Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad Book Series, How To Invent Money / How Rich Dad's Recipe Can Make You Financially Free for Life

Michael Gerber - Small Business Expert and Author of The E-myth Systems: The Key to Wealth and Freedom

Jim McCann - CEO of, How To Build An Empire

Jay Conrad Levinson - Author of the Guerrilla Marketing Book Series, How To Master the Art of Guerrilla Marketing

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Home Business Magazine covers every angle of the growing and dynamic $425 billion home-based business market. Includes cutting edge editorial by well-known authorities on sales & marketing, business operations, business opportunities, network marketing, and mail order. The bimonthly (6 times a year) publication offers valuable business content, tools, products, services and other resources for the 50 million strong home-based business market sector.

Mining Gold

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"Why $1,000? Let's cut the nonsense. I won't promise you 'millions'. I won't promise you 'overnight riches'. I won't promise you 'instant wealth' without lifting a single finger. C'mon, let's be honest, here. That's just plain bull, if you ask me.

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How To Get Customers to Call, Buy and Beg for MORE

How To Structure A Successful Business Plan

* Six words that sum up the keys to long-term business success. Page 22
* A single paragraph whose wisdom can be worth a fortune to any business. Page 33
* A detailed example of the system that brought in over 400,000 new customers. Page 44
* How to calculate the amount you can spend to acquire a new customer. Page 54
* How to create an advantage that your competitors can NOT copy. Page 78
* The only way to be certain you will make sales and be a business success. Page 143
* How to find out what caused a customer to buy from you. Page 229

Effective Advertising Techniques

The exact methods that cost hundreds of thousands in dollars in research and development by large corporations in one comprehensive reference.

* One of the most important rules in all of advertising. Page 17
* Four guerilla tactics that increase response in ad copy. Page 35
* How to get all the free advertising you can use. Page 105
* How to make your ads up to 1000% more effective. Page 169
* How to keep your risk to a minimum with advertising. Page 167
* The TOP words to use in your advertisements. Page 17