How To Get Customers to Call, Buy and Beg for MORE

How To Structure A Successful Business Plan

* Six words that sum up the keys to long-term business success. Page 22
* A single paragraph whose wisdom can be worth a fortune to any business. Page 33
* A detailed example of the system that brought in over 400,000 new customers. Page 44
* How to calculate the amount you can spend to acquire a new customer. Page 54
* How to create an advantage that your competitors can NOT copy. Page 78
* The only way to be certain you will make sales and be a business success. Page 143
* How to find out what caused a customer to buy from you. Page 229

Effective Advertising Techniques

The exact methods that cost hundreds of thousands in dollars in research and development by large corporations in one comprehensive reference.

* One of the most important rules in all of advertising. Page 17
* Four guerilla tactics that increase response in ad copy. Page 35
* How to get all the free advertising you can use. Page 105
* How to make your ads up to 1000% more effective. Page 169
* How to keep your risk to a minimum with advertising. Page 167
* The TOP words to use in your advertisements. Page 17